The task of the manager is not only to make the team workable, but also to unite it, gain credibility in the eyes of employees and maintain discipline at a high level.

Strict order ensures, first of all, the efficiency of the labor process. However, while maintaining discipline in the team, it is undesirable to stoop to petty pickiness towards colleagues. The leader must be moderately democratic and establish open, friendly relations with people. Without this, it is quite difficult to achieve any noticeable results. For the boss, it is important not only to have a serious attitude to work, but also to his ability to joke, smile, talk about interesting cases, contacting subordinates. It is optimal when a kind and respectful attitude towards employees is combined with high demands on them and adherence to principles on the part of the manager. A true leader has honesty, sincerity, tact and composure, a sense of camaraderie and collectivism, but is just as demanding of himself as of others. It is possible to successfully manage people, while maintaining discipline at the proper level, only by taking care of them. Healthy relationships in the team and the high authority of the leader are formed when the latter does not neglect the little things and monitors the moral atmosphere within the team, as well as the purity of his own behavior. A polite and attentive manager who quickly responds to all messages and requests from employees is able to achieve maximum success in contacts with subordinates. An authoritative leader is distinguished by impeccable knowledge of his business. He is able to change into the uniform of an "ordinary worker" and show by his own example the quality with which one or another production task must be performed. Demanding discipline from subordinates, he himself must be organized and punctual. So, the true authority of the boss consists of deep knowledge of the business, a serious approach to work and immediate success in it. In addition, the respect from colleagues, which is so necessary for effective leadership, cannot be achieved without respect and demand for them. Neither excessive strictness towards employees, nor connivance and indulgence of discipline in the team can be achieved. The authority of a leader is based not on petty care and not on imaginary kindness, but on a strategic vision of the company's prospects and opportunities for its development. It is equally important to be aware of the internal problems of the team that are not directly related to the profession.