Why Labor Discipline Is Needed

Why Labor Discipline Is Needed
Why Labor Discipline Is Needed

Discipline in a broad sense - following the established rules, regulations. In production, these regulations and regime restrictions are determined by an officially approved document - "Internal Regulations". The employee gets acquainted with them when applying for a job and, by signing an employment contract, he formally undertakes to fulfill them.

Why labor discipline is needed
Why labor discipline is needed

Ideally, in an enterprise where "iron" discipline is established, all employees strictly and accurately observe the order, work schedule and rules established by laws, bylaws and local acts, regulations, instructions and orders for the organization, as well as strictly follow the orders of managers. It is clear that such discipline is now not found even in the army. But how necessary is it and what is it for?

The discipline is designed to ensure unity and continuity in work and technological processes, which is reflected in the quality of products and services provided. It is discipline that makes the production behavior of employees predictable, amenable to planning and forecasting. This makes it possible to ensure interaction between those only at the level of ordinary performers, but also between divisions of the enterprise as a whole. The efficiency of labor depends on it, and, therefore, its quantitative and qualitative indicators.

There are objective and subjective aspects of the discipline. Objective ones find expression in the system of established norms and rules that operates at the enterprise. Subjective ones represent the desire of each employee to fulfill them. The task of management is to create conditions in the company where the requirements of discipline would be put above the interests of individual members of the workforce. In this case, there is no need for the implementation of control and restraining functions on the part of the leadership - the collective itself is mobilized to fight mismanagement, bureaucracy, truancy and other phenomena that interfere with normal work.

Employees should not be expected to comply with discipline norms when the management of the enterprise itself constantly violates it, unreasonably involving them in unscheduled and emergency work, work after hours and weekends. In this case, employees will quite rightly believe that labor discipline on a regular working day can be violated, since they work after hours. If you are a manager, then begin to fulfill the requirements of discipline with yourself. Only in this case will you be able to demand this from your subordinates and avoid sabotage.
