At large enterprises, a system of measures is currently in place that is aimed at preventing and preventing the occurrence of various situations that can lead to a threat to the life and health of an employee. This system of measures is called labor protection. But it is necessary to characterize this category in more detail.
Labor protection is understood as a set of methods, means and actions aimed at reducing, within enterprises or industries, injuries, situations that can harm the health of an ordinary worker. Labor protection is really needed, and here are several reasons: the first of a number of reasons is protective. Protecting workers from harmful factors of working conditions, eliminating bottlenecks associated with the activities of workers in the framework of hazardous production factors leads to a reduction in injuries at the enterprise and a decrease in the incidence of diseases associated with work. With a favorable development of events, labor productivity will increase. The second reason is the social one. Labor protection is one of the forms of management's loyalty to employees. When conducting various trainings and classes that call to improve the literacy of workers in the workplace, they have a strong belief that the employer does not want to let the work of the enterprise run its course. The loyalty of employees increases and, as a result, their labor productivity increases. The presence of training logs at the enterprise is not a guarantee that the management is responsible for labor protection. Security measures should be carried out on a regular basis so that employees firmly learn the rules of work at the enterprise and the rules for their competent use of work equipment. If the enterprise is large enough, it should have several OSH engineers on its staff. The main task of these specialists is to identify, prevent and eliminate possible risk factors that can lead to danger to the life and health of workers. An occupational safety engineer must, together with the management of the enterprise, develop a comprehensive system of measures to train employees in the basics of safe work.