Extract From The USRR: What Is It, Why Is It Needed And How To Get It

Extract From The USRR: What Is It, Why Is It Needed And How To Get It
Extract From The USRR: What Is It, Why Is It Needed And How To Get It

Real estate is considered the most valuable tangible asset. Unsurprisingly, he is a tasty morsel for a variety of crooks. The title document per square meter is not the only information source that can tell about their owner. You can find out about all the owners of any real estate even without a personal meeting with them by ordering an extract from the USRR.

Extract from the USRR: what is it, why is it needed and how to get it
Extract from the USRR: what is it, why is it needed and how to get it

What is USRR

The unified state register of rights to real estate, transactions with it, aka USRR, is a state reference resource that accumulates information of a various nature about real estate. It was created to control the circulation of real estate rights. Now - perhaps the only legal and fairly reliable way to check the legal purity of real estate, both residential and non-residential.

The unified register of rights has appeared in Russia since the end of January 1998. Its conduct is based on Federal Law No. 122-F3. The documentation is stored in it on paper or electronic media. State registration of contracts for the sale of any real estate, this is the very records in the Unified State Register. This is done by Rosreestr employees in the corresponding territorial division. The procedure for making an entry takes place in the period from 3 to 30 days.

Why do you need a USRR

This resource will allow you to find out the following information about real estate objects and land plots:

  • terminated and existing rights;
  • Full name of copyright holders;
  • specific information about objects (area, address, etc.)
  • the presence of arrests, prohibitions, encumbrances (mortgage, rent, long-term lease).
  • at each stage of registration of ownership;
  • in case of a disputable moment between the administration and the participants in the construction;
  • when carrying out legal proceedings at any stage of the process and when defending property rights.

It must also be included in the documentary package for the purchase of a plot of land or some kind of real estate. In particular, a bank may require it when buying a home under a mortgage program. It is necessary for the underwriting procedure (risk assessment) of the object. In case of inheritance, when there is real estate among the inherited property, the notary will require this document.

An extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities is obtained from the Federal Register It is needed for any real estate transaction. In other words, this paper will allow any citizen of Russia to insure himself when making transactions, having received information on objects located throughout the country.

How to get a USRR

All information from the Unified State Register is in the public domain. They are not state secrets, they are provided to anyone interested in such material. The extract is given for a fixed fee established by law. The amount of the fee varies and depends on who will act as the applicant upon receipt of it: individuals, legal entities, authorities, etc.

You can get an urgent extract from the Unified State Register for an apartment or land plot yourself on the official website https://rosreestr.net. To do this, you need to know the cadastral number or address of the object.

Extracts from the USRR through the online service rosreestr.net are prepared in an accelerated mode, so the extract will be ready in 1-2 hours after payment, all extracts are signed with an electronic digital seal of the Rosreestr and have the same legal force as a paper statement. The cost of an express check-out is 350 rubles. The statement will indicate all owners and their full names, the presence of collateral or encumbrances, coordinates and all basic information about the property.

You can also receive an extract in paper form through the MFC, but in this case, the terms will reach 5 working days, since the extract will be sent to the department. The cost varies from region to region, but on average is 700 rubles.

Information can be obtained free of charge, but only if it is requested by a certain executive authority, for example, a municipality, or a citizen who is a participant in any federal target program.


Information from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, according to the law, must be provided from the date of the request This can be done in writing or electronically. This request is written in an arbitrary form, while the original receipt of the payment of the fee should be attached to it. In case of an erroneous request, the applicant has the right to correct all defects and send it again. In this case, the answer from Rosreestr must be received within from the moment of acceptance of the amended request.

If the provision of the requested information is contrary to the law or there is simply no necessary information in the USRR, the authority will issue a refusal decision to issue an extract. By the way, it is impossible to find information about the rights to objects, transactions on which were made earlier than January 31, 1998. The fact is that until that moment it simply did not exist.

In any case, the refusal must only be motivated, that is, justified. If you believe that you have been denied inappropriately, you can appeal the denial in court with a clear conscience.

There are several ways to get a statement. The first is the cheapest and easiest. You just need to come to the department of Rosreestr, fill out an application, pay a fee, and after 5 days pick up the document.

If you require it as an individual, you will also need a document proving your identity. The legal entity will have to prepare more papers, namely, it will be required - the charter, registration certificates, memorandum of association, power of attorney, if requested by a representative.

The second method is faster and more expensive. You can contact special companies that will do everything for you for a fee at a certain rate. Now it is possible, for example, on the Gosuslugi.ru website. The price of this service varies, it all depends on the urgency of receiving the document. If desired, it can be delivered to you by courier for a fee. Real estate agencies, private law firms, realtors, etc. usually act as intermediaries in this case.


Important points

The statement received does not have a validity period, although this is only in theory. In life, some organizations have their own requirements for the document. That is why, before requesting it, check with the organization about the criteria for its "freshness". Of course, the fresher it is, the more relevant the information it contains. The best option is a statement made literally “just now”. That is, the owner of the apartment received it and immediately showed it to the buyer for review. The document is considered valid only when it is certified by the signature of the official and the official seal.
