Electronic Work Book: What Is It And Why Is It Needed

Electronic Work Book: What Is It And Why Is It Needed
Electronic Work Book: What Is It And Why Is It Needed

The transition to the new document format will take place already in 2021. It will allow you to get direct and quick access to information about labor activity not only for the employee, but also for the potential employer and the relevant authorities.

Electronic work book: what is it and why is it needed
Electronic work book: what is it and why is it needed

Reasons for the transition

In most European countries, paper formats for keeping records of the working population have long ceased to exist. They were replaced by electronic databases and letters of recommendation from the Pension Fund and employers.

The work book is the main document of an officially employed citizen. It contains information that is important for employers and the Pension Fund regarding places of work, job responsibilities, the presence of reprimands or incentives, the reasons for moving to another organization. Based on this, the total length of service is also calculated, which directly affects the formation of the future pension.

Difficulties may arise with the paper form of the work book: deterioration, damage or loss through the fault of the employer or the employee himself, the inability to promptly provide the available information to the personnel department or to specialized agencies and bodies; there are also more frequent cases of fraud with the introduction of inaccurate or altered data. That can entail time-consuming and psychological procedures: collection of documents, travel, queues.

Citizens will be especially vulnerable in case of loss of work record information for the following reasons:

  • Maternity leave;
  • Break in work, including disability;
  • Moving from one settlement (city, region, etc.) to another;
  • Liquidation of the previous place of work.

The electronic work book is designed to eliminate all of the above problems, since it will be a registered file located in the all-Russian accounting database. Access to this database will be at the disposal of government agencies and bodies. It will be integrated, for example, with the Pension Fund, the Department of Social Protection of the Population, the employment service, the personnel service of the organization in which the citizen is currently working.

The concept and advantages of an electronic work book

There will be no differences between a paper work book and an electronic one, they are completely identical in terms of information about the employee. Their list will remain as follows:

  1. place of work;
  2. general working period at each place of work;
  3. employee position (profession, specialty);
  4. qualification (level, grade, class, category);
  5. dates of registration of the beginning and end of labor relations;
  6. measures of encouragement or punishment;
  7. position movement, including transfers and redundancies;
  8. part-time job (at the request of the employee).

The electronic work book will be stored in the employee's personal account on the Pension Fund website, as well as on the State Services portal. The necessary information will be provided in the form of an extract. It can be issued by the Pension Fund, the Multifunctional Center of Public Services (MFC) or the current employer. An extract is provided without reference to the place of residence or employment of the employee.

When applying for a new place of work, a citizen can take several actions: receive an extract from the above authorities, independently send data by Email, or save and provide them on a digital medium. For the last two methods, you need to add an electronic signature to the data.

The advantages of electronic work books include:

  • Minimization of erroneous, inaccurate or knowingly inaccurate information;
  • Quick access to information, as well as its prompt provision if necessary;
  • Reducing the costs of the employee and the employer for the acquisition, maintenance and storage of paper media about work activities;
  • The possibility of remote employment;
  • Remote registration of public services, benefits, pensions, etc.
  • Security and safety of data at the state level.

The advantages of the new accounting system are undeniable, but this innovation also has disadvantages. This applies primarily to government spending on the development, implementation, support and protection of the database. Also, initially, there will be a need to transfer to the system a colossal amount of data on the labor activity of citizens from paper media, which can entail both trivial errors of operators and failures in the system. Another obstacle is the lack of Internet access in the regions, the same applies to remote villages and villages.

Transition process

It is planned to switch to this system at the beginning of 2021. It will be voluntary for those who already have experience by this time. Employers who will start getting a job for the first time from January 2021, employers will start only an electronic version.

For employees wishing to continue to maintain a paper work book, it is necessary to submit an application in any form to the HR department by the end of 2020. Then the employer will keep records both in electronic and paper form.

If the application is not submitted, then paper work books will be handed over to such employees, and further changes will be made only in digital format.
