How To Maintain The Image Of A Leader

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How To Maintain The Image Of A Leader
How To Maintain The Image Of A Leader

Video: How To Maintain The Image Of A Leader

Video: How To Maintain The Image Of A Leader
Video: 4 Tips to Improve Leadership Skills | Brian Tracy 2024, October

Many of today's leaders have already understood one important psychological fact: in the minds of partners, clients and customers, the image of the leader's image is subconsciously closely related to the ideas about the enterprise itself, which he heads. But the image can be different: thoughtful, helping to make a good impression and implement plans, or it can be spontaneous, random, not reflecting the real state of affairs. Therefore, the image of the leader must be maintained.

How to maintain the image of a leader
How to maintain the image of a leader


Step 1

Think about your image in accordance with what your company is. Agree that if you sell sports goods or produce sports supplies and equipment, then the image of an overweight, obese person will not fit well with those ideas that are associated with sports. And vice versa, the head of a large company, which has long been known in the market, seems to be a respectable person for whom excess weight will not be a disadvantage.

Step 2

Your image as a leader should also depend on what stage of its development the company you are heading is at. If you are managing a new, dynamically developing enterprise that deals with, for example, modern IT technologies, then it is quite acceptable to demonstrate activity and energy. If your company has been operating steadily in the market for a long time, the broadcast of calmness and balance will be appropriate.

Step 3

But the image of a leader must be maintained not only for external interaction. Your respectful, restrained manner of communication with customers, business partners, appearance and style of behavior serve as examples for all employees of the company. You teach this to your subordinates and, thereby, form what is called corporate culture.

Step 4

When shaping your image, take into account all the nuances and think over what you want, what goal you are achieving and what result you want to get. Decide what your image and style should show to the outside world. Analyze how you want to see yourself and think about how to achieve compliance with this image. If necessary, you can consult with professional image makers who will help you take into account all the nuances and make your image perfect.

Step 5

Of course, one should not forget that this image largely depends on how you conduct your business and how your professional, business and human qualities will meet the expectations of those around you.
