A database is a specially organized information system designed to collect, store and process large arrays of homogeneous information about specific objects of the same type. For its maintenance, software is used - from the simplest Excel spreadsheets to specialized database management systems.

Step 1
No wonder they say that the one who owns the information owns the world. The database, which is kept up to date and constantly updated, is of increasing value every year. Therefore, its maintenance includes protection from unauthorized access, and regular backups, and the delineation of functions that operators and users with different levels of access can perform with it.
Step 2
Solve these tasks before you start collecting and organizing information. Determine the security clearance levels with your plant or IT manager and assign them with your system administrator. Develop documents regulating the maintenance of the database. They should be written for different levels of users: operator, programmer, database administrator.
Step 3
Think over the structure of information for each abstract object, information about which will be entered into the database. Determine the fields that will be filled in and the type of information that will be in them: integer, fractional values, dates, strings, images, etc. The structure should give the most complete picture of the object and its properties and characteristics.
Step 4
Write in the operator's manual the general principles of maintaining the database and entering information for each type of field. You must clearly understand that information structured in this way provides unlimited possibilities for automatic analysis. Therefore, write the rules for maintaining a database, taking into account those selections and queries that will be made later, when analyzing and processing information.
Step 5
Train operators, familiarize them with instructions and manuals. They must sign what they have heard and are familiar with the rules for maintaining the database. Severely punish operators who make systematic errors and incorrectly enter information, which significantly reduces its value and the possibility of systematization.