Often there are situations when a person is forced to refuse a job offer that has just been received. Obviously, the job seeker is uncomfortable for the time and effort spent on him, but what is the right way to refuse this vacancy?

Step 1
Don't waste time. If you are not satisfied with the proposed place, you need to immediately say about it, without "throwing" the phrase "I'll think about it." Of course, there is nothing criminal about it, but after a while a company representative may contact you and clarify what you have decided. Then you simply do not remember either the organization or the position that you were offered. It won't turn out very nicely.
Step 2
Call or write to the person interviewing you about your decision, if you have agreed to do so. You should not be silent and do not pick up the phone. Perhaps the company is counting on you. If you are not interested in this place, tell me about it. Then it can be occupied by the person who really needs it. It is worth remembering that after some time a new vacancy may open in this company that suits you. And if you have already "disappeared" once after the interview, you will not be considered for a new vacancy.
Step 3
Be sincere. You should not deceive the company that you suddenly fell ill and could not get out, or that some kind of force majeure appeared. It is better to tell the truth right away - that the proposed conditions do not suit you, or that you have already found another job, or that you want to think a little more.
Step 4
Be extremely polite. In no case should you be rude to a company representative. Even if the person is unpleasant to you, you should not show it to him explicitly. If only for the reason that it is indecent. And even more so, you should not leave "in English" in the middle of the interview. The world is small, and it may turn out that after a while this employee will work for the company of your dreams. And, seeing you again at the interview, he himself will do everything possible so that in the end you are not chosen.