Modern people care about the state of their health. They choose the right lifestyle, go in for sports. Of course, bad habits, in particular smoking, are prohibited. At home, everyone tries not to smoke. Is it possible to smoke in the entrances of apartment buildings according to the laws of the Russian Federation is not an idle question.

Many people try to protect themselves from negative actions. This negative includes passive smoking. So citizens are fighting with those who smoke in the entrances. A cigarette or two on the site can cause disagreements with neighbors.
To smoke or not to smoke?
Residents of high-rise buildings themselves take care of compliance with the norms. It is their responsibility and punishment. For this, the incident needs only to be recorded. Smoking is not allowed:
- in the elevator of a high-rise building;
- at the entrance;
- in the immediate vicinity of the entrance to a residential building;
- under the windows.
Others have no desire to inhale tobacco smoke. This harms them, causes inconvenience. Therefore, smoking is allowed only in designated areas. The decision on the equipment of such a place is taken by the general meeting.
Smoking is allowed only if there is a special hood in the entrance, installed at the expense of the residents. At the same time, open windows are not recognized as part of the ventilation system. Usually, nonsmokers refuse to invest their funds. In case of a large number of "smoking" residents, by a joint decision, they can allocate a certain area for them.
The law clarifies that the responsibility falls not only on the people, but also on the companies that own the institutions in whose territory the violations were committed. Even if it is an unintentional, but proven misconduct may result in the imposition of a substantial fine on the offender.
Smokers often refuse to pay. As a result, debts accumulate. Even through the courts, it is impossible to collect the required amounts if citizens are unemployed.

In this case, other measures are taken:
- travel abroad is prohibited;
- seizure is imposed on accounts;
- arrest and confiscation of property.
Ways to solve the problem
Sometimes it is enough just to ask not to smoke, explaining poor health or the presence of babies in the house. Often neighbors "grind" at the entrance, not paying any attention to requests to stop it. In order to punish the offenders, the fact of the offense is recorded on a high quality photo or video. The smoker must be clearly visible.
At least two witnesses are invited to confirm the reality of the materials. They write a statement to the police, attaching the evidence they have made to it. Police officers at the place of residence draw up a protocol.
There are civilized measures to prevent disputes. So, on the entrance door they hang up an ad indicating the inadmissibility of smoking on the site. Be sure to remind you of the responsibility for violating the requirements of leads.
It is recommended to indicate the amount of fines for the offenders recorded on the video or photo. Since liability is provided not only for one time, it is possible to record several offenses. A fine is charged for each, as a result, the amount may exceed 50 thousand rubles.

Smoking inside and outside structures is prohibited by law. The entrances of residential buildings also belong to such objects. Various penalties can be applied to violators of a legal requirement.