What Is A Full Time Job

What Is A Full Time Job
What Is A Full Time Job

Employment of a person in a certain job means that a person spends time, agreed in advance with the employer, which he uses to perform official duties. This time is his working day. The most common type of it is full-time, so it's worth figuring out what it is.

What is a full time job
What is a full time job

Essence of the question

Full-time work means work during the entire time, which is regulated in an individual labor contract or a collective agreement concluded with the employer. It is the most popular form of employment for the working-age population, since, statistically, people in full-time employment receive much more than if they were employed through other forms (part-time, flexible hours, part-time work, etc.).

Letter of the law

According to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the length of the working week is 40 hours. Traditionally, it is divided into 5 days of 8 hours each, but this is not practiced everywhere. Every day the time for lunch is set, which is at least 1 hour (possibly more, but this depends on the geographic area of the enterprise and what working conditions there are). A full working day can be 10 or 12 hours, then the number of such days will be reduced. Otherwise, the employer is obliged, according to the same code, to establish a supplement for overtime.

If an employee does not receive a supplement for overtime, then he can complain about this to his employer. If the employee is not heard by his management, then he must contact the labor inspectorate, which is obliged to monitor all cases of violation of labor legislation. An inspection will be carried out, after which the labor inspector will issue an order to the management of the organization to eliminate all violations within the agreed time frame. If violations continue, the inspectorate has the right to impose large penalties on the management.

Full time employment

Although this is the most common type of employment of the population not only in Russia, but also in the world, a person looking for a job must understand that he is required to comply with discipline and work procedures adopted in the organization where he gets a job. If a person is not ready to work 8 hours a day (or even more) with 1 hour for lunch, then he should look for work in another enterprise or try to agree with the employer on other conditions of his working day.

The labor legislation of the Russian Federation is quite tough on the issue of compliance with the norm of 40 working hours per week, however, how these hours will be distributed within a week is a matter of the company's personnel policy. Therefore, a person looking for a job has a real chance to get a job in an organization that is able to provide him with a convenient work schedule.
