Public service bodies, local governments, other third-party organizations, as well as employees of the enterprise have the right to contact its personnel service to provide information about employees. A certificate from the place of work is provided by the personnel department of the enterprise on the basis of a written application. In it, the employee must indicate for what purpose this certificate was required: for obtaining a tourist visa, credit, provision to the traffic police, etc.

Step 1
The registration of the certificate must comply with GOST R 6.30-2003, which sets the requirements for the design of text documents. Since the certificate from the place of work is an external document, then print it on the company letterhead. It must contain the full name of the company, its postal address, bank details and contact numbers.
Step 2
In the top line of the left corner, indicate the date the certificate was compiled. On the next line, after the double indent in the middle of the sheet, type the word "Help" in large letters.
Step 3
The organization to which this certificate is provided must necessarily be mentioned in its text. This can be done by placing its name in the upper right corner as the addressee or directly in the text part of the certificate, beginning the last paragraph with the words: "The certificate is given for submission to …". Indicate in the text the full name of the organization for which the certificate was required.
Step 4
Start the text part of the certificate with the word "Dana", then indicate the last name, first name and patronymic of the employee who needed it. Write the full name of your company and the date from which this employee works for it, do not forget to mention if he is currently working. List the employee's job title and average monthly earnings.
Step 5
In the event that the certificate is requested for obtaining a tourist visa, indicate in it that the workplace occupied by the employee will be retained for him during his absence, and that during the trip he will be on paid labor leave.
Step 6
After the text part, put the positions and surnames of persons who, according to the regulations of the enterprise, are authorized to sign such certificates. In any case, in addition to the signature of the head of the enterprise, it must have a visa for the head of the personnel department and the chief accountant. After signing, add the dates and certify the signatures with the company seal.