How To Correctly Fill Out A Certificate From The Place Of Work

How To Correctly Fill Out A Certificate From The Place Of Work
How To Correctly Fill Out A Certificate From The Place Of Work

According to article 62 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the employer is obliged to issue documents that the employee demanded upon a written application. The most frequently requested document of this kind is a certificate of employment. In order for the document to have legal force and serve as evidence in administrative or court disputes, the specialist who draws up the document must correctly fill out a certificate from the place of work.

How to correctly fill out a certificate from the place of work
How to correctly fill out a certificate from the place of work

Official document from the place of work

The certificate issued by the organization is an official document. In accordance with this, it will be correct if it is issued on letterhead. The constituent letter form must contain the details that distinguish the organization from others: the full name of the organization, the taxpayer identification number - TIN, the registration reason code - KPP, the bank identification code - BIK, the main state registration number of the legal entity - OGRN.

In addition to the mandatory details, others may be indicated, which, depending on the constituent documents, carry additional information about the enterprise.

Information about the employee, the facts of establishing, changing and terminating labor relations, which are entered in the certificate, are taken from the personal database of personnel or the employee's personal card. Depending on the place where the document is required to be submitted, the certificate may indicate the existence of disciplinary sanctions, work incentives and other information.

The information specified in the certificate can be indicated with links to documents where these facts and events are reflected: orders, instructions, etc.

A certificate from the place of work can be drawn up in handwritten or printed method. The issued document has the name cReference, which is written in the center of the sheet with a slight downward indent from a capital letter. Below is the sequential textual information that must be provided at the place of request.

All information specified in the certificate must be dated, endorsed by the head of the enterprise or another person and, depending on the significance of the document, is sealed with the seal of the organization or the personnel department.

The right to sign the certificate is prescribed in the order, power of attorney or job description. The person signing the certificate must refer to the list on whose signatures the organization's seal can be affixed.

According to the rules of office work, the certificate must be assigned a sequential outgoing number indicating the date of execution of the document. In the correct certificate, a stamp under the outgoing number is placed in the upper left corner of the document or in a specially designated position of the letterhead.

The template will help

For the preparation of the requested documents, the law provides for a period of three working days. To avoid a temporary underwater mine and keep within the period set by the law, you can prepare a reference template in advance. Subsequently, if the organization for which the employee requesting the certificate does not put forward special requirements for its design and content, using this template it will be possible to quickly and correctly fill out certificates from the place of work.
