It happens that disputes arise that the parties cannot resolve peacefully, in this case they have to go to court. Of course, it is better to entrust the conduct of the case to professionals, but if you decide to go to court on your own, or you are summoned to court as a defendant, you need to follow some mandatory rules that will help you win the court.

Step 1
First, prepare your statement of claim correctly. It can be written in any form with the obligatory indication: the name of the court, its address, your passport data, the details of the defendant. Be sure to indicate the essence of the claim, the circumstances on which you base your claims and the price of the claim. Take the written statement of claim to the court, or send it by mail.
Step 2
If you are involved in a case as a defendant, your main task is to familiarize yourself with the statement of claim and understand the essence of the claims addressed to you. According to Art. 114 Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation, along with the subpoena, you must send a statement of claim. If this does not happen, feel free to go to court and demand that you provide you with a copy of the statement of claim. As a last resort, take a claim at a preliminary hearing.
Step 3
For all parties involved in the trial, it is extremely important to prepare evidence, with the help of which, you will defend your position in the trial. The evidence you must submit in writing, i.e. take copies of documents, if necessary, prepare petitions for the retrieval of evidence, etc. Also, you can involve witnesses, experts and specialists. To call them, you must prepare an appropriate application, in which you indicate the personal data of the person called, and the facts that he can confirm. At all stages of the trial, comply with the deadlines and paperwork requirements. Therefore, buy the Civil Procedure Code of the Russian Federation, preferably with comments and check your every step with the law.
Step 4
It is important to follow the rules of conduct in court, because the location of the judge can greatly increase your chances of winning your case. Therefore, before the meeting, turn off your cell phone, contact the court "Your Honor" or by name and patronymic. To other participants in the process, please contact by name and patronymic. You can speak in court only while standing, just standing and listening to the court's decision. Behave confidently, but not too casually, clearly state your position, answer questions to the point - without prefaces or digressions. Avoid being too emotional, do not offend persons in the meeting room. Politeness and benevolence are the best lines of conduct in court.