You are the owner of a modest small business that has been generating income for you for several years now. Yes, only competitors are not asleep at all. And now you are faced with a very tangible task - to increase the number of regular customers.

Step 1
Analyze your competitors' work, their techniques and ways to attract attention. Explore their strengths, weaknesses and strengths. Pay special attention to the latter.
Step 2
Do research on your own target audience. Try to understand for yourself what exactly attracts regular visitors and buyers in your services.
Step 3
Spend effort, time and money on competent advertising. Let them talk about you at every corner. It can be bad, but the main thing is to talk.
Step 4
Check out the wishes of both regular and casual customers. Consider all of them whenever possible.
Step 5
Start applying all the methods of attraction that firms and companies competing with you successfully use.
Step 6
Don't rush to knock down prices. Hurry up to introduce various discount systems operating during special hours. Determine the right time depending on whether you want to focus on attendance or payback. In the first case, feel free to assign privileged hours at the most quiet time. However, in this case, the increase in the number of customers will be only a maximum of 2%. If you introduce discounts at the most popular time for your product, then by increasing the total turnover of goods and a large number of attracted customers, you will receive a significant (up to 40%) addition to the permanent target audience.
Step 7
Enter a discount and various privileges for regular customers. Let the consumers of your product strive to become one of them.
Step 8
Give gifts and various nice little things. Even a cheap notebook from an exclusive batch ordered by your company can attract a client. If you are the owner of a cafe or restaurant, then alcohol will successfully perform the role of a notebook.
Step 9
Give two items for the price of one. Just enter a limit on the circle of those to whom the product will be presented on such terms.
Step 10
Maintain mutual respect and do not rush to throw mud at your competitors.