An accountant is a specialist who monitors the financial life of an organization, keeping financial records in accordance with the law. This is one of the most demanded and highly paid professions in the labor market, which requires specific knowledge and skills, as well as a responsible attitude to work and excessive care: errors in financial accounting and taxation can lead to criminal liability.

Higher economic education or secondary specialized education
Step 1
The work in accounting is varied and covers different aspects of the activities of an organization, from accounting for fixed assets and ending with payroll to employees. Several accountants may work within one organization, the chief of which, in turn, is responsible for the correctness of financial documentation and the timely provision of reports. In small organizations, one specialist can represent all accounting and combine in his activities everything that is customary in large organizations to be divided.
Step 2
Accountants have a standardized working day, which allows them to think about additional earnings. This is especially true for novice accountants, because the labor of specialists without work experience is not paid too high. After three years, the accountant's earnings can double. The profession of an accountant is prestigious: in enterprises, an accountant belongs to the administrative staff.
Step 3
An accountant can work in government organizations of various economic sectors, in small and medium-sized businesses, in financial organizations - tax, insurance agencies and pension funds, in banks and so on.
Step 4
Novice specialists are in demand in certain labor areas. For example, they are offered to work on payroll, tax deduction or registering material assets. Speaking about moving up the career ladder, it is worth keeping in mind that the path will go from the point of a senior accountant to the position of the chief accountant of an organization or enterprise. The positions of financial analyst, auditor or financial consultant are also prestigious.
Step 5
The accounting department is happy to take students-economists or, as they say, yesterday's graduates for the position of assistant chief accountant. If you are lucky and you were invited to this position, then your responsibilities will include work on the preparation and verification of documents, payroll in 1C - this is at least!
Step 6
Accounting jobs are suitable for those who perceive numbers as letters or notes. Professionals in vocational guidance note that work in accounting requires logical thinking, a high predisposition to intellectual work, perseverance and discipline.