There is a well-known rule that warns against flirting in the workplace. Most likely, neither your colleagues nor your management will like your attempts to attract attention and win over a colleague, because at work you have to think about her and how to complete your tasks quickly and efficiently. But life is life, and you cannot order your heart.

Step 1
If you understand that one of your colleagues seems to you the most attractive and interested you as a man, you should not notify your work colleagues about this, in the hope of attracting them to allies. Proceed at your own peril and risk so that well-wishers do not inform management that you are not busy at work at all.
Step 2
The good thing about the work environment is that you don't have to rack your brains and find a suitable excuse to chat with a colleague. Try to get into the same group with him, which is entrusted with the execution of some task. Even if that didn't work out, try to get him in as a consultant and ask him to highlight some of the issues you need to know to get your job done.
Step 3
After receiving the consultation, sincerely thank him and express your admiration for the depth of his knowledge, ask permission to contact him in the future. After a while, get ready to ask clarifying questions on the topic discussed with him and talk again. Demonstrate that you understand what he has told you and show genuine interest. At this moment, the heart of your hero will begin to melt - he will be pleased with your interest, and he will be happy to communicate with you.
Step 4
Find out about his hobbies, hobbies. Talk about them. Listen more than talk, insert phrases into the conversation about how interesting he is and how you enjoy listening to his story. Avoid talking about topics that may be unpleasant to him, and do not discuss personal issues until he himself wants to open his soul to you.
Step 5
Speak well about him, noting his knowledge and experience, at a planning meeting or at a discussion of a common assignment, where management and the rest of the staff will be present. Note his participation in the fact that your task was completed efficiently and on time. Find an excuse to invite him to celebrate your success, invite him to lunch for a cup of coffee, and then you can already arrange a meeting in the evening after work.