Warehouses are of different types: open, closed, hangar, food storage and others. In this case, it is necessary to take into account what exactly is supposed to be stored in the warehouse. After that, you can start equipping it.

Step 1
Plan your warehouse organization. This must be done in accordance with the tasks that will need to be performed in this production facility. When drawing up this project, take into account all the factors that may be important in the further equipment of the warehouse (meaning the products that will have to be stored in this room, the building area of the warehouse, as well as your financial capabilities).
Step 2
Think about what equipment needs to be installed in the warehouse, what racks can be used. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the width of the aisles, the presence of manual labor or the automation of processes. Almost all warehouses use universal shelving racks, pallet racks, which make it possible to automate the loading (unloading) of products. If you are designing a warehouse of metal pipes, then here you should calculate the location of cantilever racks, which have their own specifics.
Step 3
Please note that when equipping a commercial warehouse, it will be very important to have a parking lot, convenient access roads, because this will increase the intensity of the warehouse. In turn, in the presence of manual labor, it is necessary to observe the restriction on the height of the structures to be installed. In this case, it is best to use mezzanine racks, this will help you increase the production area and allow you to do without special expensive warehouse equipment.
Step 4
Designate equipped areas for picking and sorting goods that will be stored in the warehouse. Determine the most suitable areas for loading and unloading products.
Step 5
Provide convenient access to each type of storage unit in the warehouse. Provide separate places for the technique.