An annual report is a form of reporting that is necessary to obtain complete information about the activities of the company. As a rule, this document is drawn up for presentation to shareholders or other people interested in the company's activities. Therefore, it must be compiled in accordance with a certain number of requirements.

Step 1
The annual report should be a reliable and complete source of information for investors who decide to invest in your company. He must clearly articulate this investment idea and offer options for how to convey it to the right people. He must also form the company's business reputation. This means that it must be correctly drawn up.
Step 2
To get started, get started with the design of the title page. It must indicate the title of the report and a description of what kind of this document - accounting, operational, etc. Be sure to indicate the period for which you are reporting, the year and city where this report is submitted must also be indicated.
Step 3
Next, draw up a list of those who were involved in the preparation of this document. Indicate who is responsible for all issues related to annual reporting. This should be complete information: surname, initials, position of the person in charge, as well as a telephone number for communication.
Step 4
Now you can compose the main part. It is compiled in any form. The main thing is that it reveals the main provisions of the company. So, for example, if this is an accounting report, then you need to indicate everything related to making a profit, spending, writing off funds and other financial issues of the company. If this is a representative report for obtaining investments, then you need to describe the charter of the company, its scope of activity, success in achieving the goals set, what kind of financing this company has, projects planned and operating, describe the staff of the enterprise, describe the material and technical base and other opportunities companies. The main part should fully disclose the essence of the report in the most laconic sentences - the one who accepts this document should immediately understand what they want to convey to him.
Step 5
Add tables to give your report significant weight. This will help you better structure the text and highlight the critical points of the document. For the table, use the averaged values for the parameters that you describe in your document.
Step 6
Complement your report by adding reports from other responsible persons. But do this only if the documents that you have collected can adequately illustrate your report. This will add weight to the paper, since you can assess the point of view of the development of the company of the entire team.
Step 7
After you fill out the report properly: check the data, put it in order and sew, give it to the technical head of the organization for signing. He must sign and indicate the date when he accepted your document.