If you have been appointed a leader or chosen to some responsible post, then you will need to give orders and orders from time to time. If you have never commanded before, then this should be learned.

Step 1
In ordinary life, a leader is not a commander. Your subordinates will be happy to fulfill your order if it relates to their job duties, or a request if what you ask for is not included in them. If you have chosen a team leadership style and want to achieve unconditional obedience and conscientious performance of production tasks, then you need to gain credibility. Unfortunately, it is not automatically purchased when you are in the executive chair.
Step 2
If you still want your orders to sound and be executed as commands, you yourself must be sure that they are absolutely correct. For this confidence, you need to thoroughly study all the technological processes and methodologies used to work in your department. That is, you must be completely sure that you know the whole process better than any specialist who is in your subordination. In this case, the commands you give will sound with the right intonations and will be perceived as orders, without causing ridicule and surprise from your employees.
Step 3
Work on yourself to learn how to make the right decisions, predicting the development of the situation. Try to predict how certain events will develop, then analyze your mistakes after what happened. Always provide several options so that at the right time, in an unwavering voice, give the command that turns out to be correct.
Step 4
Only when your subordinates understand that you have the moral right to command, when your authority is indisputable, this leadership style will be perceived by them normally and even with pleasure. If you take full responsibility and are confident in your own righteousness, then this style of leadership can be quite effective, especially in industries associated with a certain danger to life or health of people.