Mobile phone repair specialists are in demand in the market and have no problems with finding a job. The number of telephones per family is constantly growing. As, however, and the number of workshops for their repair. Today, even schoolchildren are trying to disassemble cell phones on their own, rightly believing that the devices consist of replaceable blocks. But few people manage to restore a broken phone without special knowledge and skills.

Step 1
First, decide on your needs and capabilities. For self-disassembly of your own device, you will need to collect a lot of information. In principle, you can do this by registering on special portals and forums for repairmen. There you will find a lot of useful information and you can ask questions to professionals. And if you're lucky, get quality answers.
Step 2
Now you have to purchase a special tool for disassembling the apparatus. And then you will have to take a risk and try to determine the malfunction without special diagnostic equipment. Often, such repairs boil down to replacing damaged parts. For example, a damaged phone screen. This way you can learn how to make simple repairs.
Step 3
In order to become a true master of cell phone repair, get ready to waste time and incur training costs. The easiest way in this case is to enroll in a specialized educational institution where such specialists are trained. But, unfortunately, there are very few of them. Usually these are courses at some major service center. Find out if there is such a center in your city and contact there. In fact, there are very few of them, so the most common way is different.
Step 4
If your city does not have special training courses, find the largest and most well-equipped service center or repair shop. You can get an idea of the level of professionalism of the craftsmen in the enterprise you are interested in by studying the reviews on city forums. Find out if there are vacancies for masters or apprentices. In most cases, you will be offered a place as an apprentice with the prospect of becoming a master after completing a training course.