Business success depends on many factors. In addition to hard work, talent, dedication and professional skills, it is important to be able to lead people, if, of course, you are not a free and lonely artist, but work in a team.

Step 1
Sign up for a special training or take a master class on the art of leading people.
Step 2
Read books on psychology and neurolinguistic programming to help you better understand human behavior. Train the skills of correct behavior during a conversation described in the specialized literature on behaviorism. Learn to interpret and apply body language.
Step 3
Use the carrot and stick method. Reward subordinates for quality work. This will motivate not only them, but all other colleagues as well. Encourage employees with words, bonuses and cash rewards. If you are unable to pay people bonuses, tell them directly to avoid further disappointment and unnecessary hopes. Find other ways to motivate your employees. Criticize employees who do work in bad faith. Punish them with fines and reprimands. Criticize constructively and objectively. Let's get the opportunity to correct mistakes.
Step 4
Be aware of each employee's projects and where they are in your assignment. Be as knowledgeable as possible about the situation of the work of subordinates and the competencies in their field. This will help you gain the respect of your employees, which is the key to your credibility. Require subordinates to draw up a report on the work done. After analyzing the reports, you will have a clearer idea of the process of their work, their strengths and weaknesses. You will see the big picture, which will give you an edge and added weight in the eyes of your subordinates.
Step 5
Chat with your employees! By building trust with the team, you get the opportunity to get to know your subordinates better, which means important tools for managing them.