Often, managers of large enterprises and even small family firms complain about problems that arise in the management process. Misunderstanding of ways to achieve goals, different visions of development priorities, personal antipathy and many other psychological nuances affect the atmosphere in a team or group and cause conflicts and disagreements.

It is necessary
Correct selection of a team, knowledge of the basic psychological principles of working in a group, leadership qualities, joint recreation to form a corporate spirit, a well-thought-out system of motivation, a couple of books on leadership development and people management
Step 1
Almost every group should have a leader who knows how to set priorities, motivates people to search for new ways to solve tasks, stimulates their work and provides a good moral and psychological climate. In addition to having legal authority to lead people - the status of a director, etc., the leader must also enjoy moral authority among subordinates, in fact, being an example to follow.

Step 2
Sometimes leaders in their activities are based only on legal aspects, forgetting about psychological and moral ones. Such a widespread omission threatens to deteriorate the microclimate in the team, skeptical attitude towards the leadership, spontaneous emergence of actual leaders, whose position may run counter to the position of the official. You can develop the necessary psychological qualities using the services of special psychological trainings.
Step 3
The right team is just as important as a good investment plan. Psychologists advise that it is best to form a team of different people, dissimilar in age and sex, who, nevertheless, would be united by a common goal - this promises greater work efficiency.
Step 4
The authority of the leader and the atmosphere in the team are strengthened by joint collective events - outdoor recreation, corporate parties, dinners, birthdays, etc., so you should not neglect them.
Step 5
The group leader should never be guided in his decisions by personal antipathy towards this or that employee. Any injustice towards another person will automatically undermine his authority and reduce the trust of the rest of the group.