Group interviews have become quite common when recruiting employees. During it, it immediately becomes clear which of the candidates is more active and interested in hiring.

Group interview - how to prepare for it?
You need to prepare for a group interview more thoroughly than for an individual one. To pass it successfully, you will not only have to competently answer the employer's questions, but also do it faster than other applicants. This means that there will be practically no time for reflection. To avoid a hitch, you need to think over the answers to the questions that may be asked in advance, at home.
Most often, in group interviews, they relate exclusively to professional activities. Unlike one-on-one meetings with HR managers, they do not ask questions about hobbies, driving licenses, etc. Interviews conducted with several applicants set specific tasks that need to be completed better and faster than others. Therefore, it is imperative to study the profile of the company and prepare for difficult issues.
Don't be late for your interview, but don't show up much earlier either. The optimal time is three to five minutes before the start. This will make it clear to employers that you know how to value your time and theirs.
Do not forget about the appearance, this is also very important. Among candidates dressed in business suits, a person in ordinary clothes will look unprofitable. The employer will immediately notice that others approached the interview more responsibly.
How to behave in a group interview
When interviewing with other candidates, you need to be proactive and confident. Employers will definitely note this. When setting a problem, you can ask clarifying questions. This will show that, firstly, you are interested in its best performance, and secondly, you perfectly understand what it is about, and what points can be controversial and require more specificity. Don't be afraid to sound inexperienced. On the contrary, the more professional the employee is, the more precise tasks he asks to set. Only then is it possible to do exactly what the leader requires, and not be distracted by solving third-party issues.
Prepare a notebook or organizer and take it to your interview. If you write down the tasks given by interviewers, you will immediately grow in their eyes.
In a group interview, you need to make it clear to employers that you are not just a professional, but know how to work in a team. Therefore, you should not argue with other candidates. If you disagree with them, listen, and then offer your solution to the problem. And let the interviewer decide for himself which approach is the most accurate and professional.
Be calm, don't get distracted from the given topic. If you are a professional, you do not need to flatter the employer, all your knowledge and skills will be perfectly displayed during the interview.