Probably, each of us can remember many cases when the incorrectly chosen leadership style and the conflicts between the leader and subordinates provoked by this had disastrous consequences. But in those cases when optimal and effective interaction was established, conflict situations did not arise, which had the most beneficial effect on business development. The productivity and morale of the team depends primarily on the leader.

Step 1
You should not have a special relationship in the team with selected "favorites" and do not encourage informal relationships, there should always be a distance between you and your employees.
Step 2
If you are unhappy with the behavior or deed of your employee, then express all complaints against him in private, but you need to encourage publicly.
Step 3
Any conflict should be resolved as early as possible, do not drag out or drive it inside, this is not a solution to the problem. Try to listen to all parties and make a decision that satisfies everyone.
Step 4
Job-related failures are not only the fault of the individual performer or performers, the blame falls on you as well. As a leader, you must clearly know the capabilities of each of your employees and give them such assignments that they can handle.
Step 5
Do not encourage unhealthy competition, it excites the whole team and interferes with well-coordinated work. Do not praise, albeit deservedly, only one person. Try to notice and publicly reward everyone's diligence.
Step 6
If your subordinate cannot answer you in the same way, do not call him "you".
Step 7
Eliminate any possibility of flirting with subordinates, you should not put yourself and them in a dependent position.
Step 8
Take an interest in the personal life of your employees, but in moderation, do not forget to congratulate them on their birthdays and other important events.
Step 9
Study the psychological characteristics and capabilities of your subordinates, entrust them with cases of increased complexity, so that this stimulates their further professional development.