The requirements for redevelopment of non-residential premises are fundamentally different from the requirements for ordinary residential apartments. Despite all the difficulties, almost always the owner of a non-residential premises is faced with the need to change something.

Step 1
When starting redevelopment or reconstruction, you must first of all comply with the requirements of the existing Housing legislation, because this will not only facilitate the registration of redevelopment, but also help to avoid constant checks of utilities.
Step 2
Already at the stage of choosing a real estate object, you need to find out whether the object is part of a non-residential fund and whether redevelopment can be carried out in it. Particular difficulties are associated with multi-storey buildings and first floors in the old fund, since for legal redevelopment it will be necessary to spend a lot of additional funds on diagnostics of the state of communications and additional reinforcement of load-bearing structures. Without these actions, it will be simply impossible to legalize the redevelopment of the area.
Step 3
Therefore, starting the redevelopment, you need to study the condition of the house and premises, coordinate the work being done with representatives of state authorities and fulfill all their requirements.
Step 4
Particular difficulties arise when, simultaneously with the redevelopment, the area is transferred to a non-residential fund, however, firms specializing in such services will help to cope with this problem.
Step 5
After all the work has been carried out, it will take time to check the fulfillment of all the requirements and register the redevelopment, however, the legal redevelopment removes all questions from the owner, which means that in the future there will be no complaints from representatives of utilities and other inspection bodies.