Many believe that they can do whatever they want in a privatized apartment. Therefore, without any coordination, any restructuring is carried out in it. However, as a result, you can get many problems that will have to be solved for a long time. For example, when selling an apartment, in order to arrange something for the BTI, it will take more than one month to obtain the necessary permits in all instances, which will ultimately break the deal. Therefore, it is better to legitimize future redevelopment in advance.

Step 1
Apply for a permit for redevelopment, according to the RF Housing Code, to the authority that approves the location of the dwelling. At the same time, provide: an application for redevelopment, its form approved by the federal executive body authorized by the Government of the Russian Federation; documents confirming the ownership of the re-planned apartment or premises (original or notarized copies); completed redevelopment project; registration certificate of an apartment or room; written consent of all family members of the tenant (including those temporarily absent) who occupy the rented apartment under a social tenancy agreement; the conclusion of the body that controls the protection of architectural, cultural and historical monuments on the admissibility of redevelopment of residential premises in the event that the apartment is located in a building recognized as an architectural, cultural and historical monument.
Step 2
Go to court with a statement of claim for the preservation of the living space in the converted form. According to Art. 29 of the RF Housing Code, "on the basis of a court decision, a residential premises can be preserved in a converted and (or) re-planned state, if this does not violate the rights and legitimate interests of citizens or it does not pose a threat to their life or health." When considering a civil case, the following facts will be established: whether the rights and interests of citizens have been violated; does the redevelopment pose a threat to their health or life; the dwelling after the reconstruction corresponds to the construction, operational and technical, sanitary and hygienic standards and fire safety. These circumstances must be confirmed by technical conclusions, which are drawn up based on the result of the survey of the apartment after the redevelopment.
Step 3
Submit your claim in writing to the court. In it indicate: the name of the court where it is filed; claimant - you, the owner, indicate your place of residence; the name of the defendant, his location; the circumstances on which you base your claims, and the evidence that supports them; the cost of the claim; list of documents attached to the application. Sign the application and take it to the court yourself or send it by mail with notification. Do not forget that unauthorized redevelopment of an apartment may entail administrative liability in the form of a fine from 2,000 to 2,500 rubles.