Redevelopment inside the apartment requires notification of the authorities. A change in the configuration of an apartment, which requires changes to the technical passport of a dwelling, namely, the destruction of walls, the installation of doorways in a new place, a change in the area of rooms and the like, is, in fact, a redevelopment of the apartment.

Passport, technical passport of the apartment, application for redevelopment, document certifying the right to the apartment, redevelopment project, written consent of all family members living in this apartment
Step 1
First, contact the city branch of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Rostekhinventarizaciya - Federal BTI" to receive a copy of the technical passport for the apartment.
Step 2
Next, you need to find a design organization that has a state license for redevelopment activities. These organizations are engaged in the preparation and execution of projects for future changes, which are coordinated with the sanitary-epidemiological, fire-fighting, gas and other services. The number of such services depends on the type of redevelopment and the characteristics of the property.
Step 3
Then contact the department of construction and architecture of the urban district of your city with all the documents.
Step 4
A period has been set during which you will be given the go-ahead for redevelopment. It is 45 days after the receipt of all documents. Thus, you are either given the go-ahead or denied, and the appropriate arguments are given, for example, "defects were found in the documents" or "shortcomings in the project." If given the go-ahead, the commission will need to be referred to the management of the registration service. There, changes will be made to the unified state register of rights to real estate and transactions with it.