A direct change of surname occurs in the registry office at the place of residence or at the place of registration of the fact of birth. This can be done upon application in connection with the registration of marriage, divorce, the death of a spouse and the transition to a maiden name, or, based on personal desire, radically change the full name. After receiving a certificate from the registry office about the change of surname or a new birth certificate with its complete change, all documents must be reissued in connection with the fact of the change.

It is necessary
- To change your passport
- -statement
- -old passport
- - Help from the registry office
- -photos
- To change the tax number
- -statement
- -INN
- - Help from the registry office
- -To change the policy
- -statement
- -old policy
- -passport
- - Help from the registry office
- To make changes to documents at work
- -passport
- - Help from the registry office
- - certificate of marriage (divorce)
Step 1
In accordance with clause 12, which was approved by the Government on July 8, 97 in the text 828 of the Regulations on the Passport of the Russian Federation, the passport must be replaced within one month after the change of surname. To do this, you must contact the passport office, submit documents confirming the change of surname, old passport and photographs. The application is filled out on a unified form issued by the passport department.
Step 2
You will also need to make changes to the TIN and to the registration documents of a legal entity or individual entrepreneur. To do this, you need to contact the territorial tax office, write an application, submit a passport with a changed surname, documents in which you need to change the information, a certificate from the registry office about the fact of changes.
Step 3
You will need to replace the pension insurance certificate, and enter new data at the place of registration in the territorial Pension Fund. If an employment relationship is drawn up under a contract, the employer must carry out this procedure at the request of the employee and the submission of all supporting documents. Non-working citizens must apply to the Pension Fund on their own with an application, pension insurance certificate and a certificate from the registry office.
Step 4
The health insurance policy is also subject to replacement, which must be notified to the employer or local authorities. Show your passport, policy, application, certificate from the registry office.
Step 5
In accordance with article 28 of FZ 196-F3, it is not necessary to change the driver's license when changing the surname. This does not violate road safety, and it is possible to replace the rights after their expiration. But in this case, you will always need to have with you a document confirming the fact of the change of surname.
Step 6
You can make changes to your passport as needed when you need to leave the Russian Federation or get a visa to leave the country and visit visa countries.
Step 7
Particular attention should be paid to changing data in documents at the place of work. Labor legislation regulates only the change of surname in the work book. As regards other documents, there are no clear instructions in the law.
Step 8
The change of the surname in the work book must be made, guided by the provision on recording in this document and on corrections in it. The previous surname must be crossed out with one line, a new one must be entered on top. Put a stamp on the inside of the cover and enter information about the document on the basis of which the new entry was made.
Step 9
All other changes must be made and formalized according to the position of the entry in the work book, that is, by crossing out with one line and entering information about the documents on the basis of which the changes are made. You need to make out changes in the book of accounting of work books, in a personal card, in a personal account, in an employment contract.