At birth, a person is given a first and last name. The name is our individuality, parents choose it for us, sometimes wanting to endow us with some character traits. The surname is our roots, our family values. But there are times in life when we need or want to change our surname. Legislation allows this to be done subject to certain conditions and procedures.

Step 1
You have the right to change your name or surname only upon reaching the age of 14 (the time of obtaining your passport). If you are between 14 and 18 years old and you decide to change your last name, then this will require the consent of your parents (both mother and father) or adoptive parents (trustees). If you do not have such parental or adoptive parental consent, then you have the right to obtain permission to change your surname through the court. If you are under 14 years old, then the change of surname will be made on the basis of the permission of the guardianship authorities at the request of the parents and taking into account your desire or consent.
Step 2
You must submit an application for a change of surname only to the registry office, but at the place of registration. In the application, you indicate the following information: surname, name, patronymic; date and place of your birth; citizenship; nationality (indicated at will); place of residence; your marital status. If you have minor children, then in the application you must indicate their full name and date of birth.
Step 3
In addition, it is necessary to indicate in the application and attach photocopies of documents: birth certificates, certificates of marriage or its dissolution, birth certificates of minor children, etc. Don't forget to sign and date.
Step 4
Your application should be reviewed within a month. This period may increase if you do not provide a complete package of documents. If you have lost any documents or for some reason cannot provide them, then the application will be considered only after the necessary documents have been restored. If your documents contain inconsistencies, inconsistencies, then they must be eliminated. The monthly period for reviewing your application will be suspended.
Step 5
The head of the registry office makes a decision on your application. In case of refusal, you must explain in writing the reason for the refusal and return the entire package of documents. You have the right to appeal the denial of permission to change your name in court. If the decision is positive, then the registry office will make the necessary entries in the acts of civil status.
Step 6
Remember that you need to register a new surname, first name or patronymic within a month, that is, get a new passport of the Russian Federation. If you miss this deadline, the permit will expire. After changing your surname, you will need to make changes to all documents where your personal data is indicated (for example, a work book or a certificate of pension insurance).