According to Russian law, marriage can only be registered one month after the application is submitted. However, there are circumstances in which future spouses cannot wait. If the reasons for the haste are serious enough and have the appropriate confirmation, the marriage registration can take place on the day the application is submitted.

Step 1
The law regulating the state registration of marriage establishes the following reasons why the registry office can reduce the period from filing an application to marriage: pregnancy, childbirth, immediate threat to the life of one of the parties, other special circumstances. In any case, you will need to submit supporting documents to the registry office. This can be done both when submitting the application and later, together with the application for the postponement of the registration date. Confirmation can be a pregnancy certificate from an antenatal clinic, a child's birth certificate, as well as a certificate from a medical institution about the health of one of the future spouses, if this is what makes you rush to get married.
Step 2
In circumstances not mentioned in the law, you will need other documents. For example, if one of the spouses has to leave the region or the country in the near future and it is not possible to postpone the marriage until returning, notarized copies of tickets, an extract from the order for the transfer of a serviceman or from the order on a business trip from the place of work, can serve as confirmation. depending on the reason for leaving. If the groom is going to leave for the place of compulsory military service, it will be necessary to present a certificate-call from the military registration and enlistment office.
Step 3
Whatever the reasons forcing you to marry before the expiration of the due date, check with the head of the registry office what kind of confirmation of special circumstances you will need. If the reason is recognized as objective, you will be able to register the marriage on the day of filing the application. In practice, sometimes registration is scheduled for the next free time.
Step 4
Do not forget that the legal deadline of one month is the minimum time for the bride and groom to make the final decision, and a simple desire to get married as soon as possible is not enough to shorten this timeframe.