How To Register A Marriage In Another City

How To Register A Marriage In Another City
How To Register A Marriage In Another City

Table of contents:


If, by coincidence, or of your own free will, you need to register a marriage while in another city, be aware that the legislation of the Russian Federation does not restrict the freedom of citizens to make a decision to marry outside their place of permanent residence.

How to register a marriage in another city
How to register a marriage in another city

It is necessary

  • -An application for marriage (to be filled out in the registry office before filing);
  • -2 passports (future newlyweds);
  • - a receipt for payment of the state duty in the amount of 200 rubles;
  • - if one of the future spouses was married, a certificate of dissolution of the previous marriage;
  • - permission to marry (for minors);
  • -if you are located within Moscow or St. Petersburg for a period of more than three months, you will need a document on temporary registration.


Step 1

Before your first visit to the registry office, get information about the details of the registry office where you plan to apply for marriage.

Step 2

In any of the branches of Sberbank, pay the required state duty in the amount of 200 rubles. A receipt with all the details entered can also be taken from the registry office.

Step 3

Gather the entire package of documents listed above (do not forget to take with you a receipt for payment of the state duty and a certificate of temporary registration if you are in Moscow or St. Petersburg).

Step 4

In the registry office, write an application in which you determine the date of the marriage, and fill out the application in the prescribed form.

Step 5

Wait for the deadline (as a rule, it is one calendar month, maximum - two).

Step 6

On the appointed day and time, appear at the registry office to register the marriage, where with your signature confirm your desire to become a spouse. Registration can be either solemn, with guests and a colorful ceremony, or non-ceremonial, at which, besides the newlyweds, only witnesses are present.

Step 7

At the end of the marriage ceremony, take your first family document confirming the registration of marriage - a marriage certificate.
