How To Get Foreign Citizenship

How To Get Foreign Citizenship
How To Get Foreign Citizenship

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Many immigrants who have lived in a certain country for a long period of time sooner or later face the question of obtaining citizenship. This process is different for each country. In some countries, you can easily acquire civil rights, while in other states, immigrants are reluctant to give citizenship.

How to get foreign citizenship
How to get foreign citizenship


  • - Residence permit in the country,
  • - a sufficient amount of funds for investment.


Step 1

Immigration to a number of countries is complicated by legal regulations and law. The Russian Federation implements a competent policy in relation to immigrants and allows the presence of a second citizenship. The desire of a citizen of one country to obtain citizenship in another is most often due to social, political or economic reasons, where moving to permanent residence is no longer the main motivation. When entering another country, you first need to study the immigration legislation of the state. As a rule, it clearly and clearly spelled out the process of obtaining civil rights.

Step 2

Most often, citizenship becomes possible after participating in some investment programs. Investment programs exist in many countries. The bottom line is that a person receives a residence permit on the condition that investments are made in certain assets. After such investments, a person can obtain a residence permit, which is the main step in obtaining citizenship and rights on a level with the indigenous people of the state.

Step 3

Sometimes the origin is the deciding factor. When obtaining civil rights, the presence of relatives in a given country is taken into account. If, for example, both parents of an immigrant had citizenship of a particular country, or the applicant was adopted by citizens of this country, then the most likely issue of a passport of a citizen of origin. Also, in many states, after marriage with a resident of a given country, a foreigner is able to obtain civil rights.
