Often employers, with a shortage of workers in certain industries, attract foreigners to work. But the employment of foreigners requires obtaining a quota from the state, which tends to decrease every year: this is how the state protects jobs for its citizens. The quota is obtained through the Employment Centers, the Ministry of Health and Social Development and the Federal Migration Service.

- - an application for attracting foreign labor to the Employment Center and the Ministry of Health and Social Development;
- - an extract from the decision of the Interdepartmental Commission (IAC);
- - permission of the Federal Migration Service (hereinafter FMS).
Step 1
To obtain a quota for foreign labor, you need to notify the Employment Centers in advance about such a need, and then obtain permission from the Ministry of Health and Social Development. Only after this permission will the FMS begin issuing a permit to attract foreign labor.
Step 2
The application for the need for foreign labor is submitted by the company to the Employment Center at its legal address. After that, she is registered in the department of the Ministry of Health and Social Development. There, your application will be considered by the Interdepartmental Commission, which distributes quotas for foreigners. The IAC holds its meetings twice a month.
Step 3
If MVK has decided to allocate a quota to your enterprise, in about two weeks you have the right to receive an extract from its decision in the department of the Ministry of Health and Social Development on Kolokolnikov Lane.
Step 4
Based on the positive decision of the IAC, you submit to the FMS (Grafov lane) a package of documents for permission and attracting foreign labor. And after 5 weeks, the FMS will issue you the appropriate permit, while you should not lose contact with the Employment Centers and confirm that the necessary specialists from them among Russian citizens have not been received. Only then can you hire foreign labor.
Step 5
Please note that a firm that orders no more than 20 foreigners for work and justifies its application well has a better chance of success. With a larger number of jobs in the MVK, letters from the prefecture of Moscow are also provided, documents confirming won tenders and the availability of government orders. In addition, there are a number of professions for which quotas do not apply. These include the position of General Director, Information Security Engineer, Automation Engineer, Director.
Step 6
To save time and effort, you can use the services of intermediary firms specializing in attracting foreigners to work in Russian companies.