Regardless of what type of activity a particular company is engaged in, its management always faces a choice: who to hire. Sometimes entrepreneurs give preference to foreign workers, and there are several reasons for this. First, foreign citizens in some cases have a higher level of professional training. Secondly, they are often just cheap labor, which cannot but attract an employer. In any case, if you decide to hire a foreigner, you need a quota for hiring foreign workers.

Step 1
In any case, if you decide to hire a foreigner, you need a quota for hiring foreign workers.
So, according to clause 4, clause 13 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On the Legal Status of Foreign Citizens", in order to attract a foreign employee, you need to obtain a special permit. Remember that the only exceptions to this rule are those workers who can stay in the Russian Federation without a visa. If the employee you hire does not belong to this category, then before obtaining a permit, be sure to obtain a quota for a foreign employee.
Step 2
To apply for a quota for foreign workers, write an application to one of the executive authorities in your region. In the application, indicate your need, as an employer, to attract a foreign citizen to your organization. For the powers entrusted to this body, see the decree of the Russian Federation No. 783 of 2010-22-12. The same body will have to tell you the size of the quota.
Step 3
If you want to know in advance how many foreign employees you will be able to attract, read the decree of the Government of the Russian Federation, which sets the total number of quotas for issuing a permit to hire a foreign employee.
Step 4
In addition, in the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation, check how much of the quotas corresponds to the profession, specialty or qualifications of the prospective employee. Determine the paragraph of this document that suits you and find out what the maximum number of foreign citizens can work in your organization in a certain position.
Step 5
Remember that any employer has the right to hire an unlimited number of workers within a predetermined quota. If the employee arrived from another country to the Russian Federation without a visa, you do not need to apply for this quota.