Foreign exchange teller is one of the most demanded professions in the banking sector. However, although the demand for these specialists is high, it is quite difficult to get a job as a currency teller. The reason for this is the significant list of requirements that enterprises make for this profession.

Step 1
You can get a job as a currency teller if you have a certificate in your hands. This document is accepted by the Bank of Russia as evidence of specialist training. Get it only after completing special courses, and after completing them - certification procedures in order to identify the knowledge gained.
Step 2
You can get a certificate of a foreign exchange cashier in various training centers for specialists, on courses in non-state and state educational institutions. Foreign exchange teller courses can be organized by financial and credit institutions in order to train and improve the qualifications of experienced or newly hired employees. Specialists who are related to cash register work or who want to get acquainted with it often turn to commercial organizations for the purpose of self-training or getting a new profession.
Step 3
When choosing courses for foreign exchange tellers, pay attention to the plan of their conduct and the number of practical hours. Employers, when hiring an employee whose duties include working with foreign cash, make high demands on practical skills. If you have not worked with currency before, then the courses will help you acquire them, the main thing is that this is included in the program.
Step 4
As a rule, at the exchange rates of foreign exchange tellers, considerable attention is paid to the issues of conducting foreign exchange transactions, the procedure for working with foreign cash, and gaining experience in working with payment documents. The foreign exchange teller must have practical skills in working with equipment designed to identify the solvency of banknotes. At the courses, foreign exchange cashiers are taught to work with traveller's checks, plastic cards.
Step 5
After completing the courses, students are subject to certification, which includes the questions studied. After successfully passing it, the specialist is issued a certificate of a foreign exchange teller. If an agreement is concluded between the training center and the financial institution, then often the best graduates of the courses are recommended there as employees.