The right to sign is the documented authority of officials to sign certain types of documentation within their area of responsibility. The right to sign can be transferred to authorized persons, respectively, it can be revoked.

Step 1
The transfer of the right to sign is carried out by means of an order for the enterprise, or by drawing up a notarized power of attorney. If it is necessary to revoke the right to sign, the revocation procedure directly depends on how the transfer of this right was formalized earlier.
Step 2
If the right to sign was transferred by order of the organization, then issue a new document canceling the effect of the first from a specific date. Inform authorized persons against signature about the fact of revocation of the right to sign. It can be an acquaintance sheet or a formalized document.
Step 3
In cases where the right to sign was transferred through a notarized power of attorney, to revoke the right to sign, you must contact a notary. It is the notary who previously issued this power of attorney who conducts the procedure for its cancellation. After that, notify the authorized representative of the revocation of the signature right. If it is not possible to contact the authorized person personally, send him a certified letter with notification.
Step 4
Informing the person previously authorized to sign documents, as well as all persons whom the authorized person has represented before, is an indispensable condition for revoking the right to sign. All actions taken by the person before the moment he was informed about the revocation of the signature right will have legal force.
Step 5
Do not forget to pick up the original power of attorney after canceling it.