Foreign workers are a feature of contemporary life in Russia. Enterprise managers are now able to freely hire labor. Sometimes it is economically more profitable to attract workers from other countries, sometimes an enterprise needs a specific foreign specialist. For legal employment, this requires an official work permit.

Step 1
There are two sets of documents: - permission to attract and use foreign workers - issued to the enterprise;
- work permit for a foreigner - issued per person.
Step 2
Before inviting an expat to work, the organization must prepare and submit to the territorial office of the FMS a package of documents for obtaining permission to attract and use foreign workers. This package includes the following: - an employer's application addressed to the Deputy Director of the Federal Migration Service for the issuance of a permit to attract and use foreign citizens at the enterprise;
- conclusion of the territorial body of the employment service on the possibility of attracting a foreign worker;
- a draft employment contract or other document confirming an agreement to work with foreigners;
- a document confirming the payment of the state duty for issuing a permit (the employer must pay a state duty of 3000 rubles for each foreign citizen involved in work). Please note that if you provide copies of documents without originals, then they must be certified by a notary.
Step 3
In addition to a permit for an enterprise, a work permit for a foreigner is required. These can be dealt with by the organization, or the foreign worker himself. To do this, you will need: - An application from a foreign citizen or stateless person for a work permit and a copy thereof; the application is written in a certain form, in Russian in block letters; abbreviations of words are not allowed;
- a photograph of the applicant (35x45 mm), which must be glued on the application form in the appropriate place;
- attach to the application a copy of the document on professional education, if you have one;
- a copy of the identity card of a foreign citizen (until the end of the validity period of this document must be at least six months);
- a copy of the document authorizing to attract and use foreign workers for the enterprise where you will work (see clause 2);
- a letter in which the employer is guaranteed to provide obligations to ensure departure from the Russian Federation at the request of the FMS;
- a document confirming the payment of the state duty in the amount of 1000 rubles. for the issuance of a work permit.
Step 4
The processing time for documents is 1 month. To obtain work permits for a period of more than 90 days, you will need to additionally provide: a certificate confirming that a foreign citizen has no HIV infection; a certificate from a narcologist; certificate of the absence of infectious diseases.