Surely many of us have faced such a problem when the working day has just begun, and we don’t want to do anything, the only desire is to lie down somewhere and fall asleep. Hands and feet do not obey, eyes gradually close, attention is scattered, and smart thoughts are completely absent in the head. Everyone struggles with this condition in their own way, but there are also popular ways to cheer up at work.

Step 1
Change your activity. When you do the same job for many days, you do it automatically, and it acts on the body as a sleeping pill. Try to find yourself some other activity. If you do not have this opportunity, clean up your desk, go talk to other employees. Your main task is to change the environment and reboot your brain.
Step 2
There are certain points on the human body, acting on which, you can activate the activity of certain organs. Massage your fingers: walk with a pinch motion from the very tip of the finger to its base (this procedure must be repeated with each of the 10 fingers). This will bring you to your senses, and at the same time will have a positive effect on immunity.
Step 3
In addition, you can do the following exercise: quickly rub your palms together, then at the same speed with your hands on your cheeks, and finally tap your fingers on the top of your head. Remember that you should spend no more than 5 seconds for each part of the exercise. Also massage the auricles for 30 seconds.
Step 4
If you can, go outside and get some fresh air. Even a few minutes will restore your ability to think sanely. The colder it gets outside, the better. If you cannot leave the room, then at least slightly open the window.
Step 5
Aromatic oils have a very strong effect on the human body. After breathing them for about 15 minutes, you can concentrate again without any problems. If you don't have an aroma lamp on hand or if a colleague has a negative opinion of aromatherapy, apply a few drops of oil to the tip of your nose.
Step 6
The most popular invigorating drink is coffee. Try to drink only the brewed drink no more than 2-3 times a day. An alternative to this drink is strongly brewed green tea. By adding lemongrass or ginseng tincture to a mug, you will forget about fatigue for a long time.
Step 7
Try not to overeat during lunch, this will lead to the fact that the body will send all its forces to process food, and the brain will only be turned off.
Step 8
You are unlikely to be able to take a contrast shower at work, so the ideal option is to wash according to the same principle (first with hot and then cold water). If you're worried about washing off your makeup, soak your hands in cold water for a few seconds and then wet your neck.