Each of us probably knows this situation when you go to bed at 2 am, and you need to go to work by 9 am. Feeling awful all day guaranteed. There can be no question of lying down somewhere.
Most of those who work in the office feel like sleepy flies after lunch. But you can't sleep - you're at work. Therefore, we urgently remember ways to invigorate the body and spirit.

Step 1
Light for the body is a kind of signal for cheerfulness. In many villages, people still wake up at dawn, with roosters. On the other hand, darkness promotes the production of sleep hormones. It is the hormone melatonin that is responsible for the state of alertness or drowsiness.
Open the curtains, pull up the blinds on the windows. Let the bright light of the sun wake us up.

Step 2
If you eat a lot of high-calorie food, then the process of digesting it will become very energy-intensive and tiring for a person. Eat light meals at work (vegetables, fruits, nuts, grains). But you should drink a lot of fluids. This is especially true for knowledge workers.

Step 3
The fashion for "power engineering" has recently swept over a huge part of the population of our country. The constituent parts of such drinks (this is caffeine, theobromine, guarana, etc.) affect the nervous system. At the same time, blood pressure rises, tachycardia and nervous excitement may occur.
The impact of energy cocktails on the human body has not yet been adequately studied. Therefore, they should be consumed in small quantities and with caution.

Step 4
An acupuncture massage will help you to invigorate after a sleepless night. The impact on certain points on the body leads to the optimization of energy processes in the body. To increase alertness, rub your earlobes, nose or temples. Rub your palms together.

Step 5
Well, let's remember the most famous method to wake up in the morning - this is, of course, a cup of strong coffee. Drink a cup of coffee, sit in the coachman's position with your eyes closed for 10-15 minutes - and you are full of energy again.