A woman expecting a baby, at a certain stage of pregnancy, is forced to say goodbye to work and go on maternity leave in order to deal only with a baby who will be born. So that later there are no problems with work and it was possible to receive cash benefits, she needs to correctly draw up a package of documents. Perhaps the first document will be a sick leave for pregnancy and childbirth. This document is provided to all pregnant women by the supervising physician.

Step 1
Fill in all the columns of the sick leave with ink by hand, use one color to fill out the started disability certificate (purple, blue or black). Of course, if one doctor opens a hospital and another closes it, the color of the ink may differ. The current legislation allows this, the certificate of incapacity for work will be accepted for payment.
Step 2
Do not forget that when filling out the column "place of work", the word "main" is underlined only if the woman has at least two employers. Fill in all the entries without abbreviations, and in the column for the cause of disability, underline "pregnancy leave and" and duplicate the same in your own handwritten words, while in the recipe indicate what is the period of disability. Usually it is 140 calendar days, that is, 70 days before the birth of a baby and 70 after his birth. However, the law provides for cases when childbirth may have a complicated course (for example, a caesarean section has taken place), in this situation the postpartum period of temporary incapacity for work increases by 16 days and is 86 calendar days. And in the presence of multiple pregnancies, 194 calendar days and a sick leave is issued already at the 28th week of pregnancy.
Step 3
Corrections and strikethroughs must be confirmed with the words "to believe corrected", your signature and the seal of your medical institution. But keep in mind that there should not be more than two corrections on one form. Otherwise, it will be necessary to write out and issue a new sick leave.
Step 4
Put the hospital stamp on the face of the certificate of incapacity for work in the upper right corner, and the triangular seal in the lower right corner.