The activities of notary chambers and offices, as well as those notaries who carry out private practice on an individual basis, are based on a normative act adopted in 1993 - "Fundamentals of the legislation of the Russian Federation on notaries". Notaries act on behalf of and on behalf of the state, guaranteeing equal rights to all participants in civil relations.

Step 1
The main tasks of the institute of notaries include, among other things, providing citizens with qualified legal assistance. And with the entry into force of Article 8.1 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, which provides for the conclusion of transactions with real estate in a notarized form, a notary becomes a legal intermediary between society, its individual citizens and the state. Using the powers vested in the notary by the state, acting strictly within the framework of the law, he ensures the legal relationship between the parties, excluding fraud and violations of the letter of the law when concluding transactions of any kind.
Step 2
Citizens acting on their own behalf and being individuals can resort to the help of a notary in many cases, but the mandatory procedure for notarization of contractual relations is provided only in some of them. Such cases include the alienation of a real estate object, the conclusion of a marriage contract or the execution of an annuity contract, as well as the conclusion of a sale and purchase contract only in relation to a certain share of real estate. All listed transactions must be concluded in the presence of a notary with the presentation of the necessary originals of documents and be certified by him. Otherwise, such an agreement shall be deemed null and void by any court.
Step 3
Many transactions related to real estate (gift agreement, lease or lease agreement, refusal to participate in privatization, purchase and sale agreement, etc.) are concluded in simple written form and do not require notarization. But you may need the help of a notary when, for example, a person cannot come to the Rosreestr office himself to affix his own signature, due to illness or disability. Therefore, it is necessary to notarize his signature on the document of title, which is a contract or a deed of gift, for this the notary goes to the house.
Step 4
You will also need to contact a notary at the place of opening of the inheritance without fail if you are an heir by will or by law. A will is also drawn up in the presence of a notary, and one copy of this document is kept by him. A notary's certifying signature with a personal seal will be required if it is necessary to provide a translation of an official document from a foreign language. You will have to contact him to certify the parents' consent for the child to travel outside the country of residence, as well as to certify powers of attorney issued to persons representing other citizens in transactions. A notary is also required when signing an alimony payment agreement.