A patent is a title of protection that confirms the copyright for a particular product. To patent your result of physical labor, you must first draw up an application for the corresponding document.

- - application form;
- - receipt of payment of state duty;
- - statement on the transfer of copyright;
- - copy of the passport;
- - examination certificate.
Step 1
Find out the address of the federal executive body for intellectual property. You can obtain the patent application form by contacting the institution in person or by downloading it on its website. In the upper right field of the form, indicate the full address of the institution, and then provide the name, surname and patronymic of the person applying. This can be both the author of the invention and his patent attorney.
Step 2
In the main text of the application, state your request to file a patent for your invention, indicating its full name. Inform the category of the object of your works in accordance with the Order of Rospatent No. 82 dated 06.06.2003. In particular, the invention may be directed to products and methods. The first include devices, substances, strains of microorganisms, cultures (lines) of cells of animals or plants, genetic constructs. The device subcategory includes structures and products. The category of substances unites various chemical compounds, compositions, as well as products of nuclear transformation. The strains spread to microorganisms such as bacteria, viruses, bacteriophages, microalgae and microscopic fungi. Genetic constructs include vectors, plasmids, plant cells, microorganisms, and animals. Invention-method will be the process of performing any actions on a material object.
Step 3
List the persons who are the authors of the invention, or indicate the full name of the organization that developed the product. In accordance with this, the application must be accompanied by copies of personal documents of the authors or an examination certificate on the participation of the organization in the work on the creation of an object or method.
Step 4
Attach to the application a receipt for payment of the patent state fee, as well as a statement from the authors wishing to assign the rights to the invention to another legal entity or individual, or to retain all rights to it. You can submit all documents to the executive authority for intellectual property in person, as well as send them by mail or fax.