If you are engaged in scientific activities, then skillfully patenting your own inventions is an important factor in success and career advancement. For each use of your patent in any development, you will be transferred a certain amount of money. The more important for modern science the invention that you patented, the more often it will be used, and, therefore, the more money you will earn.

Step 1
Study the Ukrainian legislation on this issue, and you will know how to patent an invention, and you will be able to go through all the procedures as quickly as possible. Carefully store and safeguard patent documentation, the success of your future career may depend on this.
Step 2
If you want to patent your invention, contact the Patent Office of Ukraine, provide all the necessary technical documentation. Namely, prepare materials that reveal the essence of your invention, data about the applicant (name, address), data about the author (name, address), data on the priority application (date, number and country in which the application was filed) and a sealed power of attorney.
Step 3
The staff of the department will carefully examine all the data provided, carry out examinations and checks. In the end, a patent decision will be made. According to Ukrainian law, a patent is valid for 20 years from the date of application, with the proviso that you will pay an annual fee to maintain the patent in force. It will seem too laborious for an ordinary scientist to carry out all the above procedures on his own, so entrust him to experienced professionals who know where to patent an invention and will carry out all the necessary measures as soon as possible.
Step 4
After a patent is issued to you, you can dispose of it at your discretion in accordance with Ukrainian laws. Consult with a lawyer on this issue, and you will know exactly what actions can be taken on a patent, and what actions should not be taken. The more popular and important your invention is for mankind, the more scientific and industrial figures will use it in their developments. You can spend the received money on conducting new scientific research and experiments or on organizing your own research institute. Knowing how much it costs to patent an invention, you can save a certain amount of money to implement your ideas.