On the territory of the Russian Federation, the Law on Weapons is in force, which entered into force in 1997. According to this legal act, there are several cases when a license for the storage and use of weapons can be canceled, as well as the weapon itself and its cartridges can be seized.

Step 1
To take away a weapon, you must do the following:
First, read the Weapons Act to know all the possible reasons for the necessary authorized agencies to take the weapon.
Step 2
Collect evidence that there have been violations of the rules on storage, use, sale, transfer, purchase, movement of weapons.
Step 3
With the collected evidence, be sure to contact the internal affairs bodies, customs authorities or bodies exercising control in the field of hunting and conservation of hunting resources.
Step 4
The decision to revoke the license and confiscate the weapon is made by the court. For this reason, with all the evidence collected, contact the judicial authorities.
Step 5
The court can revoke the license at the request of the department that issued this document. To achieve some success, find out who issued the license and show evidence of violations to this department. Only then will you achieve the results you want.
Step 6
If there are no violations, the weapon can be taken away after the death of an individual or the liquidation of the legal entity that owned it. In this case, the procedure is the same: collect all the necessary evidence (in this case, these are documents on death or liquidation) and write a statement to the internal affairs bodies. They will make a decision to confiscate the weapon.