If a person's phone was taken away, then he should contact the nearest police station and write a statement about the crime. After the application is filed, the investigating authorities conduct a check and decide whether there are grounds for initiating a criminal case.

If a person's phone is taken away, then such an event contains signs of a property crime. In particular, in the presence of certain circumstances, these actions can be qualified as theft, robbery, robbery or fraud. As soon as possible after the commission of such an act, the victim should contact the nearest police station and write a statement about the crime. The application should describe the circumstances in which the unlawful actions were committed, describe the stolen object, ask for an inspection and initiate a criminal case, if there are appropriate grounds. The application must be registered and be sure to receive a coupon confirming the acceptance of materials for the production of the investigation and inquiry bodies.
What happens after the application is submitted?
Filing a statement about a crime is one of the grounds for initiating a criminal case in accordance with the provisions of the current criminal procedure legislation. An official (investigator or interrogator) is given three days from the moment of the citizen's appeal to conduct a pre-investigation check. In the process of this check, the citizen himself is interviewed, possible witnesses of the incident, other preliminary measures are taken. When interviewing, the victim should describe in detail the alleged criminals, tell about the circumstances of the commission of the unlawful act by these persons. After the expiration of the specified period, the investigator decides to initiate a criminal case on the basis of one of the above property crimes. The victim must be additionally notified of the decision taken.
What happens after the initiation of a criminal case?
After the decision to initiate a criminal case has been made, the official of the investigating authorities has additional powers, within the framework of which the search and arrest of alleged criminals is carried out. If, during a pre-investigation check, an investigator or interrogator can carry out only a limited list of measures aimed at collecting primary information about the committed act, then in the presence of an initiated case, they have at their disposal the entire arsenal of investigative actions provided for by current legislation. The victim cannot influence the results of the investigation, however, in the event of an illegal refusal to initiate a case, he can file a complaint with a higher official or with a court.