The main type of pension provision in Russia is old-age labor pension. Every citizen who has worked in any professional field for more than 5 years and has reached a certain age can count on getting it. The age limit for men is 60 years, for women - 55. However, in some cases, the pension can be worked out earlier. The conditions and procedure for early assignment of pension payments are determined by the current legislation.

- - passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
- - employment history;
- - other documents (at the request of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation in each specific case).
Step 1
Choose a way to generate your pension. You can give preference to the traditional option, when a person receives secondary or higher professional education and works until reaching retirement age. Often, people with extensive experience and good health continue to work after retirement.
Step 2
Another option is to lower the retirement age. If you have set yourself this very goal, carefully study the labor and pension laws. For a number of professions, there is a special procedure for the provision of pensions. You can choose one of the "preferential" specialties, starting your career, or retrain later, having received the appropriate education.
Step 3
Reduce the duration of the labor activity of the specialty that is associated with the performance of duties in difficult natural conditions, for example, in mines, logging, in the subway, in the air, at sea, etc. This also includes work in industries with particularly harmful or difficult working conditions, for example, in the chemical industry. People working in quite comfortable, but very responsible areas also have the right to early retirement: drivers of regular buses and trolley buses, doctors, teachers, representatives of some creative professions.
Step 4
The reason for lowering the retirement age also legally arises among some social categories of citizens: - mothers who have given birth and raised 5 or more children up to the age of eight; - parents and guardians of invalids from childhood, who raised them until the age of eight; - citizens suffering from a pituitary gland disease (Lilliputians and dwarfs); - residents of the regions of the Far North and territories equated to them, etc.
Step 5
Keep track of the correctness and timeliness of your employment documents. This is important, since the insurance period is taken into account when registering a pension. It includes all periods of labor activity for which contributions to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation are listed.
Step 6
The main proof of your seniority is a work book, in which, in accordance with the registration rules, entries are made about the name of the organization, the position you hold, the dates of hiring, transfer to another position, assignment of a qualification category, dismissal, etc. Remember that all records must be communicated to you by the HR department in a timely manner. In addition, you have the right to submit other documents confirming that you have sufficient insurance experience for retirement, for example, diplomas of higher professional education, birth certificates of children, medical certificate of health status, certificates of residence in the Far North, etc.
Step 7
Remember the possibility of early retirement in the event of a reduction in your job or the liquidation of the company as a whole. You will get this right if you lose your job 2 years before the legal retirement age. By this time, men must have accumulated at least 25 years of insurance experience, women - more than 20 years. Register at the employment center as a specialist dismissed in connection with the reorganization, reduction, liquidation of the enterprise. After a certain period of time and in the absence of vacancies that are suitable in terms of qualifications and salary level, you can start applying for an old-age retirement pension ahead of schedule.