The police are assigned a large number of duties, their list is defined in the law "On Police". At the same time, the list given in the specified normative act is exhaustive, additional duties can be imposed on the guards of order only by amending the said law.

Step 1
Police officers carry out a group of duties related to the investigation and disclosure of offenses. Within the framework of this group, they are obliged to accept statements about crimes, suppress illegal actions, help victims of offenses, help identify and eliminate the causes of illegal actions. Within the limits of their competence, police officers initiate criminal cases, carry out inquiries, urgent investigative actions.
Step 2
In addition, police officers protect public order, carry out duties on patrolling the streets. In the process of holding various mass events, they are also entrusted with the duties to control, suppress and prevent violations of the law. In the event of an emergency or emergency, they take urgent measures aimed at saving people, preserving property.
Step 3
Also, the police are assigned a group of responsibilities for the implementation of operational-search activities. They carry out operational-search activities, carry out orders of the court, investigative bodies related to this activity. Within the limits of their competence, they carry out proceedings for some administrative offenses.
Step 4
Police officers perform duties related to the prevention of extremist activities, suppression, prevention of terrorist acts. It is their participation that ensures the implementation of some special regimes (for example, the counter-terrorist operation regime).
Step 5
A wide range of responsibilities assigned to individual police units are related to road safety. Within the framework of this group of duties, the police perform almost all basic tasks: from traffic regulation to taking exams for applicants for obtaining a driver's license.
Step 6
An important part of the duties of police officers are the functions of controlling the circulation of weapons. They issue permits to acquire, carry weapons, engage in private detective or security activities. In the event of the seizure of weapons, cartridges, other substances prohibited in the free circulation, the police ensure the safety of the seized property, and if there is an appropriate decision, they implement the procedures for its destruction.