The world of modeling today no longer seems unattainable. Many girls can get into this business, even those who are far from ideal standards. Fashion industry professionals are constantly looking for new faces. That is why the path to the modeling business must be started with certain knowledge.

Step 1
Make sure you fit the parameters of the modeling business. Classic requirements: height from 175 cm, clothing size - 40-42. However, these requirements are very conditional. The standards for fashion models are quite different from those for lingerie models. In addition, plus-size models (girls with curvaceous shapes and large clothing sizes) are also in demand today.
Step 2
If you are not confident in your abilities, you can enroll in a model school. But, as a rule, such a path only entails financial expenses on your part and does not at all guarantee subsequent work. However, the knowledge gained in the model school will definitely not be superfluous. There you will be taught plastics, the art of fashion shows, the rules of make-up and personal care.
Step 3
Create a portfolio (book). This is a collection of professional photographs taken in various styles and angles. A good portfolio can set you back $ 800-1000. At the beginning of your career, it does not contain many pictures, but as you shoot, you will add new work to it.
Step 4
The best option for a quick start to a modeling career is to catch the eye of a scout of a large modeling agency. It can happen completely by accident and anywhere - from cafes and subways to parties and the gym. If a professional is interested in you, then your chances are really great. However, before you go to an interview and sign a contract, find out as much information as possible about the agency. Unfortunately, cases of deception and offers of dubious jobs are not uncommon today.
Step 5
You can bypass all the modeling agencies in the city yourself. Find out the days of the casting, fill out the form on the website and go to the selected company at the appointed time. For the casting, dress as simply as possible (ideally - skinny jeans, a T-shirt, high-heeled shoes), do not use makeup, gather clean hair in a bun. Don't forget your portfolio and keep it open and confident.