If you are sure that your case fell into the hands of a person to whom you cannot entrust it for any reason, you can write a challenge to the judge appointed to handle your case. This practice is quite common today, but there are some nuances that must be taken into account in order to get what you want, and not aggravate the situation even more. Remember that if you decide to write a challenge to the judge, this must be done so that everyone understands your position and when the case is considered by another judge, there is no prejudice towards you.

Step 1
By itself, a request for the disqualification of a judge is an ordinary document with a request. It is written in the name of the Chief Justice of your site. If everything works out, then this can be limited to. The main thing in this document is the content, namely the explanation of the reasons why you came to the conclusion that this judge is not suitable for you. You don't need to be verbose. Try to first familiarize yourself with the procedure for filing a request for recusal of a judge, as described in the code of criminal procedure. This delicate document must fully comply with all the points specified in the legislation. Otherwise, it will not be considered.
Step 2
After studying your rights and the rules for writing the document, start formulating the reasons why you do not want this judge to be the judge of your case. It so happens that the judge himself gives clear reasons, such as losing any witness evidence or missing a moment that subsequently changed a lot in the course of the case. In this case, everything is pretty simple. Describe all the mistakes made by the judge during the trial and be sure to indicate how they subsequently influenced the course of your case. Emphasize the damage you have suffered from the judge's wrong actions. Try to be as objective as possible. There should be nothing personal in the application.
Step 3
If the judge did not leave you a chance for a complaint, but you are sure that it is necessary to write a challenge, think about whether it will be possible to prove the judge's bias. In all other cases, you will most likely have to transfer the case to another court or do something else, that is, nothing will end up just like that.
Step 4
In order for the reasons to look objective, try to find them among those provided by the Criminal Procedure Code. If you can't find them, just explain the reasons. But remember that you do not need to describe any personal relationships, everything is only within the framework permitted by law.