The participants in the trial do not always agree with the court ruling. Moreover, new circumstances may appear in the case that could change the course of the proceedings. If you have reason to disagree with the decision, file a complaint on the illegality of the executive authorities.

Step 1
Select the type of complaint you will be filing. There are three types of claims: cassation, appeal and supervisory. The latter is written when the court decision has already entered into force, but you require the supervisory authorities to verify the legality of the decision. Appeals and cassation complaints are drawn up within a month after the conclusion of the executive branch.
Step 2
Fill out the application header. Write the name of the court, your name and role in the trial. Please specify your contact details so that you can be contacted. Please provide the same information below about all parties to the case who are interested in changing the court order.
Step 3
Indicate the type of complaint you are making to a higher authority. Write the name of the claim under the heading in the middle of the sheet. The complaint is processed in the same way as a regular application.
Step 4
In free form, write the main meaning of your claim to the court decision. Try to state the essence of the problem clearly, indicating the main inconsistencies with the law in the resolution. List the articles that support this. Do not forget to indicate new circumstances of the case, if such have appeared and may change the outcome of the trial. However, this does not apply to cases where an appeal is filed, since then the whole case is re-examined.
Step 5
Contact the court with a request to change the adopted decision, due to the reasons listed in the complaint. Indicate your desire to restore violated rights. Please personally sign and date the application. If you are filing an appeal or cassation complaint, then you need to register it in the same branch of the court where the previous process was heard.